Covergirl - Shiraz

Good evening bloggers! Today I have a gorgeous colour to show off! It's by Covergirl - Shiraz (no. 155). It's actually a German brand so you can't officially buy it in the UK, (but I managed to pick it up at a makeup stall for only £1.50). I must say it was definitely a bargain worth having! I'm not a pink person so I usually avoid these shades but this one was so eye catching that I couldn't resist! This colour tends to change in tone under various lights, from a very bright raspberry pink to a more dark plum/wine colour. I've only had to apply one coat as it's very strongly pigmented (I recommend using a base coat). I've tried to capture it as best as I could but the pictures really don't do the colour justice.

The raspberry pink tone.

The more plum/wine tone (actually looks slightly darker than this in real).

Thankyou for stopping by and reading :)

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1 comment:

  1. your blog is adorable! come check mine and let's be friends :)


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